How the human rights are being violated

 In El Salvador many human rights were being violated:

  • Salvadorans were detained by authorities with no actual warrant or reason
    • most times were due to the discrimination going on (ex; skin color, clothing, language, etc.)
  • Detained based off assumptions such as:
    • gang related (tattoos and clothing made up these assumptions)
  • Ill treatment 
  • Torture
    • were beat, left to starve (were only given very little food), overcrowded areas, etc.
  • Disappearances with no follow up
    • government would cover up tracks
  • Failed protection, leading to death of many individuals
  • Held guilty until authorities released them (if they were ever released)
  • Not allowed to have any sort of contact with their families
  • Mass arbitrary detention

All in which inhumanizes Salvadorans, regardless of sex or age. Salvadorans have been facing a massive form of human rights violations. The government has failed to provide even the basic human rights, leading to have a fight back from everyone, not just from people of El Salvador. Everyone is fighting for their rights as a human being.

Overcrowded Prisons

Protests in El Salvador
